Serie de Seminarios de MAR Fund / MAR Fund Webinar Series

Serie de Seminarios de MAR Fund / MAR Fund Webinar Series

Serie de Seminarios Web de MAR Fund: Pograma de Aceleración de MAR+Invest…

MAR+Invest enters the second phase!

MAR+Invest enters the second phase!

MAR+Invest enters the second phase! The MAR+Invest partners are thrilled to announce…

¡MAR+Invest inicia su segunda fase!

¡MAR+Invest inicia su segunda fase!

¡MAR+Invest inicia su segunda fase! Los socios de MAR+Invest están emocionados de…

Launch of MAR+Invest Acceleration Programme Call for Proposals.

Press Release March 2023 MAR+Invest launched the first call for proposals for…

First cohort of the MAR+Invest Acceleration Programme

Press Release  May 31st, 2023 The MAR+Invest initiative, supported by the Global…

MAR+Invest Acceleration Programme Launch Event

MAR+Invest Acceleration Programme Launch Event

MAR+Invest Acceleration Programme Launch Event MAR+Invest Acceleration Programme Launch Event Yabanex Batista,…